you are welcome here
you are welcome here. i know that might not be what you hear at school from your peers, or at home from your parents, or sadly even at your church from christians. maybe you have done something wrong, hurtful, or sinful that you try so hard to forgive yourself for and those around you are being the complete opposite of forgiving. trust me, i can relate so much to this so don't think you are alone. it seems so easy nowadays for people to put you down lower than themselves. first of all, you are human. i hate to break it to you but you are going to make mistakes. you can spend your whole life trying to be perfect if you do so wish, but you will miss the whole purpose of life. no, i am not saying to go out and make ruthless and stupid mistakes. but what i am saying is that it is time to start forgiving yourself for the ones you have made regardless if other people forgive you.
in the book of John, scribes and pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in adultery and exposed her in front of all of the townspeople, including Jesus. the people said to Jesus, "teacher, this woman has been caught in adultery. according to the law we are to stone her, but what do you say?" Jesus replied, "you who have never sinned can be the first one to throw a stone at her." after his statement the townspeople, one by one, started to drop their rocks and leave. Jesus said to the woman, "where are they? has no one condemned you?" she answered, "no one, Lord." and he said, "neither do i condemn you. go and from now on sin no more." (John 8:1-11)
whatever you have done, i promise you Jesus forgives you. and you don't have to be a christian to receive his forgiveness. you are forgiven. it's time to stop beating yourself down because of who you used to be and what you used to do. if your peers, parents, and friends are not accepting of your mistakes just know that you are welcome here. you are loved, forgiven, and you are so welcome.