my flesh may fail, but my God you never will.
Psalm 73:26 says "my flesh and my heart may fail,
but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."
just let that sink in. reread it if you have to.
you have failed? God still calls you worthy. you have sinned? he still looks at you and sees his beautiful son/daughter and loves you so much with an everlasting love. he gives you his strength every single day because he knows that you cannot make it on your own with just your earthly body and human heart.
you have a Father who gives you so much love and confidence and strength. he knows everything there is to know about you; the same God who spoke the earth into existence knows everything there is to know about YOU. like woah that is so crazy to me that the same God who created all the things around us also created you and me and has a full knowledge of us all. he knows when you have failed before you even bring your failures to him. and no, he isn't going to be angry or mad when you fail. that is the whole purpose of christianity and the cross and Jesus. Jesus came to this earth to die for you and me because God knew we were going to fail. despite your failures, you were proved worthy, loved, beautiful, intelligent, lovely, kind, and forgiven on that cross. and that is where it ends. on that cross, it was finished and you have nothing to prove to anyone. you don't need to prove anything because Jesus came for you and died for you.
about that failure. your failure is wiped away every single day by God's strength that he gives to you and the cross that Jesus died on. do not live feeling unloved or unworthy because of your past and the failures it entails.
you've been hurt, but oh, look how you've been healed.